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Waves overlap

Main window .

      Make New or Open saved earlier Project. The following window will appear.

    The leftupper list is the events list. "Dt" column indicates time delay of everyevent with respect to the Main earthquake.
    The right  upper list contains names and coordinates of all stations that recordedthe main earthquake.
    The left  lower list contains names and coordinates of stations selected for analysis.  Every station of this list is the representative station of one clustershown in the right lower list. The cluster contains stations which havethe azimuth from epicenter to station   not greater then thedAz shown in the combo box ( second tool bars line).
    By default dAzis equal to 10 degrees.  You can change the dAz value fromcombo box and then it is necessary to
Push    to  recalculate  station clusters.
    Use the following buttons  to modify the low  lists.
    -    to mark a station that will be excluded from the analysis.
    -   to change the representative station of the cluster by highlighting the representative (left lowe list) and the newly choosen  stationfrom the cluster (right lower list), a Toselect representative station  -  click by left mouse buttonon correspondent row of the left low list.  All of station of the group correspondingthis selected station appears in the right low list. Then select one of station in right low list and push   button. Selected station from right list will be the base station in thegroup. The station from left list appears in the right list.      -  for unmark marked station. This station will be include for viewing map and expected velocities curves.

     Push button   to draw the map of events and stations from the selected stations list.
     To get help for working with map push the "?" key when the cursor is in the map  window. Following list of commandswill appear on console:
 ?   help
 q   quit and keepwindow
 Q   quit and destroywindow
 i   small zoom in
 I   big zoom in
 o   small zoom out
 O   big zoom out
 p   pan
 E   great circleto closest event
 e   identify closestevent
 s   identify closeststation
 t   enter time range
 1   orid labelson/off
 2   depth coloringon/off
 3   shallow depthcoloring on/off
 4   shallow depthdiff coloring on/off
 5   sta symbolson/off
 6   mark pdevs on/off
 7   mag size on/off
 8   distance circleson/off
 9   sta names on/off
     Use these commands to modify the map if needed.
     To exit main window push  button.

Waves overlap

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