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Compilation Catalog Program

4.2.3  Protocol Frame

  CompiCat displays Protocol frame at the bottom of the central area. The frame has the three tabs, i.e., Errors, Messages, and Corrections.  

Errors tab page shows the evident errors recognized by CompiCat automatically, as well as the values out of the user defined ranges of parameters (7.7 Check specified range).
The user must fix the errors by (i) clicking Description of the error and (ii) making appropriate corrections in prompted cell of Catalog frame above.
In case of recognized disorder in time the user has to check the records of disorder and either correct non-evident errors or sort the catalog by clicking  button.

When checking the temporal disorder the user can view the record in question, its place , as well as the preceding record in sorted catalog by clicking the appropriate cell.

The other two tab pages of Protocol frame sum up the comprehensive info about the tasks performed during the current session of CompiCat. Specifically, Massages page contains info about project (if any), input-output catalogs, tools and their parameters, while Corrections page contains info about editing, details on tasks and tools, and their applications. For details see 9. Protocol of CompiCat session..

Compilation Catalog Program

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ECP 1.3.0